The Cliff Where We Sat
-Liam Odynsky
The wind blew through her short red hair, throwing it into her face. I didn’t share Stacy’s feelings about this place, sure, it had a gorgeous view of the ocean, and there was never anyone else there… But…
“Someday you’re going to have to get over your fear of heights Chris.” Said Stacy, sitting down, and dangling her feet off the cliff, sending a few rocks down into the water at least 20 stories below. And even though every muscle in my body didn’t want me to, this chance of sitting with her, alone in such a beautiful place managed to work me onto that edge. She always had a way of doing that to me, hypnotizing me with her beautiful different-coloured eyes, one green, and one brown. “Wow! Maybe that day is today!”
“I guess, yeah.” I couldn’t tell her I had developed feeling for her, right? It’s not just something you do unless you know they feel the same way, or at least that’s what I’d been told… But what if she had been told the same thing… Neither of us would ever act.
“See, it’s not that bad, just don’t fall and you’re as safe as a baby in its mother’s arms.” But what if it’s the mother you’re the most scared of. The cliff was not strong, it crumbled a little with every move I made, and I was terrified of it falling out from under me.
“Um… could we maybe, move back now?” I said, nervously fiddling with the buttons on my jacket. “The ground’s kind of loose here…”
“Awe, you scared?” She said teasingly, since she knew very well I was terrified out of my wits.
“No, it’s just, well-“
“If you’re so scared why’d you come sit up here?”
“Well… I… I have to tell you something…” I couldn’t believe I’d just said that… But I had no idea what to do next, she was waiting for me to finish with patience and anticipation. “Stacy, I have begun to-”
“-Try to get over your fear of heights? Freakin’ finally!” Said Stacy, laughing to herself, this was going to be a lot harder than I thought… What if she didn’t feel the same way about me, what would I do then? I would lose my friendship with her, I couldn’t risk that. “Was I not right?”
“I…” I had to do this… I couldn’t hold off or I’d lose this perfect opportunity. “I have started to develop feelings towards-“
“Oh” She interrupted, her smile growing but the sparkle in her eyes fading. “Who’s the lucky winner?”
“If you would let me finish my sentence I would tell you that…” She didn’t like me back, I knew it… so how could I back out of that situation, was it too late? Then an idea struck me. “It’s Ellie?”
“Why do you say that like a question? Do you not know for sure if you like her or not?” Said Stacy, the smile too fading from her face. “I don’t know this Ellie, but I might be able to help. What do you like about her?”
“Well, I love her gorgeous red hair, and her laugh, her fantastic and cool eyes, and the way she has seemingly no fear of anything… And even though I don’t think she likes me back, I can’t help but think she’s the one. I know she’d probably reject me if I asked her out, but that that doesn’t change how I feel about her, and I don’t think ever will. Even if she doesn’t like me back, I can’t help but want to do everything in my power to make her happy.” I took a deep breath. Did I really just say that? Is this happening? I didn’t even mean to say it, I just started and couldn’t stop…
“That was beautiful Chris, whoever Ellie is really lucky.” Said Stacy, staring at the water far down below. “See, that isn’t hard, just say that to her!”
“I just did.” I said putting my hand on hers.
“Chris, I…”
“You don’t need to say anything more than yes or no, that’s all I ask.” I said, looking her straight in the eyes, which had more than regained their sparkle.
“Yes.” At that moment, a gust of wind rustled my dress and blew away my nametag from work that was pinned to it. As I picked up I read it. Christine.