We finally got a new, bigger fish tank than our old smallish one. We used to have a 23 gallon tank,which was dwarfing the size of Oscar, (our albino tiger oscar cichlid), but now, with this big 75 gallon tank, he can grow to his full 1-2 feet long. As well as Oscar and Jack Dempsy (A Jack Dempsey cichlid), we plan on getting more tropical fish, just to add as scenery, despite the fact that they will most likely get eaten once and a while. I personally think we should get a blood parrot cichlid, and name it polly (Get it? It’s a blood parrot?). A tank this big could easily hold 3 cichlids, and probably with little aggression between them, And there are so many cool decorations you can get for a tank this big. Over the summer, i had to spend a lot of money on these fish, from hiding spots for Jack Dempsey, to a new filter, i’ve paid a good amount, so now that were back at school, me and Evan made an agreement: He would pay for the tank if i paid for decorations (Not including gravel).
So, overall, this tank saved the fishes lives (The old tank was getting unhealthily small for them.)
NOTE: face of person blotted out due to non permission to post their face online