The internet has dove into chaos over #TheDress, and its ridiculous. If you have somehow not heard the stories (first of all, you must be living under a rock) But yeah, its a picture of a dress that shows up as a different colour to each person who looks at it. The internet has banded together into 4 warring parties, the people who think it’s white and gold, the people who think it’s blue and black, those who who have seen both, and those who are colorblind and believe it to be grey and black.
But as I was saying, #TheDress covered up a MUCH more awesome story. A pair of Llamas broke out in Sun City, Arizona, and a high speed chase began that lasted almost ____ and was covered live by multiple news stations who were happy to cover a story not involving death for once. You will find multiple news coverings of the Llama chase if you Google “Llama Chase”