So today i learned a lot about creative commons and so did my teachers. But the problem with that is, now i can’t use anything with copyrights on it…for an example on how hard that makes it to find pictures with creative commons, when i looked up Nicolas Cage, I got like 200 cat pictures. None of them were even funny!
So soon in April i have a book commercial to present, and i am utterly screwed. I don’t have a scanner, so i can’t draw anything myself, and don’t go and say i can digitally draw it, i can’t even master PAINT!! But apparently my commercial has to have a lot of pictures, but i have no idea where the hell i’m going to find any. I already made like an A+ grade commercial, but almost everything in it is has been copyrighted.
And I’ve been putting together projects out of copyrighted material all of my life, so now, with the “PLAGIARISM” bomb dropped on me, i’m totally and utterly at a loss of how to do any presentations.