A Palindrome is something that is the same forwards as it is backwards, such as: racecar becomes racecar when reversed. Now try doing that with a number, easy right? Well now take a normal, non palindrome number (say….31) and add it to itself reversed.
See, quite often you can get a palindrome when doing equations like that, but it doesn’t always work in only one equation, sometimes it takes more than one, like with 75.
See, not a palindrome, but, if we continue the equation;
There we go, a palindrome, almost all equations that are a non palindrome added to itself reversed will eventually come to a palindrome, some equations take longer than others, like 89, which requires you to do 27 equations to reach a palindrome.
89 and 98 (essentially the same thing when doing this kind of equation) are the the two numbers that i have tried that requires the most equations, but i still have MANY more to do, and, to be truthful, it really is impossible to finish all of them.
Try some yourself! See if you can find one with more equations than 89. Tell me if you can!