1) What were the most challenging aspects of coming up with a poster theme?
The whole coming up with an idea part
2) What challenges did you face when putting your ideas on paper (drawing it, using Photoshop, etc…)
MS paint really turns out to be useless for making posters
3) Were you satisfied with your poster BEFORE seeing other people’s posters?
4) How much did you change your poster after receiving the comments from other people?
Well, everyone said it sucked, so i tried to change it, but MS paint wouldn’t let me change the font colour, which happened to be the only change i planned to make.
5) Did the feedback process help you find out what aspects of your poster need changing?
Not really, i just learned that everyone hated my poster
6) Were you happy with the final version of your poster?
No, not really
7) What were the three most important things you learned from this project?
1- I suck at making posters
2-I REALLY need to get better at making posters
3-MS paint generally isn’t a good tool for making posters